The toy itself looks similar, but it doesn't look as disjointed. He transforms from a tank to a robot. The tank mode looks good with its red paint job and gray treads. There is not much else to it in terms of paint apps. To transform him, you pull back on the rear section of the tank, flip it up to form the legs and feet, flip up the arms, and flip up the head. Another simple Mini-bot transformation. The robot mode looks similar to the box art as the arms rest lower on the body. He doesn't look bad though (definitely not in the same category of ugly as Wheelie).
The character played a prominent role in the second season of the cartoon. He is characterized by his love of action and his awkward word choices (i.e. "Let's go baaaash some Decepticons. Wham, bam!"). One of my favorite lines in the series came in the third season and it was delivered by Warpath. After many episodes and adventures with him constantly wanting in on the action and throwing out his sound-effect words, Warpath got left behind by the Aerialbots as they were chasing Scourge and Starscream's ghost. "Aerialbots...wait for...uh...oh..nevermind."
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