I first started watching Shawn when he tagged with Marty Janetty as part of the Rockers back in the late 1980's. At the time, I saw Shawn Michaels as a Rocker, not a future hall of famer. Like many kids of the day, I enjoyed his matches but I was a huge fan of the immortal Hulk Hogan. Around 1991, I stopped caring altogether for wrestling. In 1998, a friend of mine told me about WCW, and that Hogan and Randy Savage were still wrestling as part of a group called nWo. I tuned into WCW Monday Nitro every week to check it out, and I was hooked. However, over time my enthusiasm dissipated. I got bored with seeing Hogan in the main event every night, the botched return of the Ultimate Warrior left a lot to be desired, and the infamous Finger-poke of Doom really annoyed me. In May 1999, I tuned into Monday Night Raw to give the ol' WWF a try for the first time in about eight years. I saw Shawn Michaels as the commisioner out causing trouble and having a good time. There was definitely something different about this former Rocker.
I learned that he had been a former WWF champion and was actually one of the most decorated champions in the history of the organization. I started renting old tapes of pay-per-views and getting old Wrestlemania videos, and it didn't take long to realize I was watching the wrong wrestler (Hogan) all along. HBK was different as he had untouchable in-ring ability, great mic skills, and was a great entertainer. I must have watched his 60-minute Iron Man match with Bret Hart from Wrestlemania XII several times over. It was unbelievable to me to actually see what real wrestling was all about. In retrospect, Hulk Hogan had a few moves and a strong in-ring presence. He was the super hero, but not a true professional wrestler. HBK and Bret Hart were the guys leading the charge in the 1990's, but HBK was in a league of his own.
Sadly, I learned that Shawn had suffered a career ending back injury at the 1998 Royal Rumble when he was back dropped out of the ring on to a wooden casket (casket match with the Undertaker), and he herniated several discs in his spine and crushed one completely. He was forced into retirement following his Wrestlemania XIV WWF Championship match against Stone Cold Steve Austin. Months after the match, he had a spinal fusion surgery. I thought that I would never have the chance to see HBK in a match. However, after learning about the outlandish antics in his DX days, I wasn't sure if I really wanted to. I wanted to watch wrestling, not smut.
After seeing the results of his drug problems, an ended career when he was at the top of his game, marrying his second wife, and having a young son, Shawn finally realized that something in his life was not right. After an incident where he was pilled up and forgot memories of spending time with his son, he swore off alcohol and drugs. His wife Rebecca had also gotten him involved with church, where Shawn realized that he needed Jesus Christ and the undeserved gift of the sovereign Lord's grace for the forgiveness of sins. Michaels accepted Christ and became a Christian. Unlike a lot celebrities who have claimed to find Christ, Shawn Hickenbottom (Shawn Michaels' real name) seemed to be one who really got it. His life, his attitude, his devotion, it was all different. Long time fans could see Christ in his life. He made an unexpected return to the WWE (formerly WWF) in 2002 as part of the new nWo. When that angle folded, he entered into program with real life best friend Triple H. This was the start of an unexpected in ring return after a four year absence. HBK returned at Summerslam 2002 in a classic Non-sanctioned Street Fight with Triple H. HBK then returned at the 2002 Survivor Series to become the World Heavyweight Champion. Michaels competed on a limited basis until his classic match with Chris Jericho at Wrestlemania XIX. After that, Michaels finally returned full time to professional wrestling.
Since 2002, Shawn Michaels has competed in some of the best matches the WWE has ever seen (most at Wrestlemania). The second half of his career was arguably as good, if not better, than the first. Shawn had matured as a man and as a performer to a level which many wrestlers never achieve. Although I am saddened to see Shawn Michaels hang up the boots for good and I will be a fan who will always want to see just one more match, I am thankful for having so many great memories of Shawn throughout my life time. His final match against one of the all time greats in the Undertaker was a great way to end his career. You also have to respect the man for knowing when his time had come. Many wrestlers like Hogan and Flair are still going when they should have called it quits eight years ago. HBK went out while he was still at the top of his game. In this fan's mind, there is only one showstopper, one icon, and one main event in professional wrestling. He will always be The Heartbreak Kid Shawn Michaels. Thanks HBK for 26 years of wrestling memories.
Career Highlights:
-5 time Tag Team Champion
-3 time Intercontinental Champion
-1 time European Champion
-2 time winner of the Royal Rumble
-first ever Grand Slam Champion
-4 time World Champion
-10 time winner of Pro Wrestling Illustrated's Match of the Year award (this covers all promotions world wide)
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