This is toy artwork from the Japanese
Generation One toy line. Here is one of the few Decepticons released for
Transformers: Zone. This is Metrotitan, a repaint of the Autobot known as Metroplex. In
Transformers: Zone, there were nine Decepticon Demon Generals (not including Metrotitan) who served Violenjiger. However, those generals were never released (or rereleased rather as the generals were Devastator, Menasor, Bruticus, Abominus, Trypticon, Overlord, King Poseidon, Predaking, and Black Zarak) as stand alone figures. Only Metrotitan and the Micro Master Race Track Patrol were released as figures to fill out the Decepticon ranks for the line. I'd say even with the massive Metrotitan, the Decepticon forces in toy form were heavily outnumbered against the likes of Dai Atlas, Sonic Bomber, Road Fire, and all of the Autobot Micro Masters.
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