Outside of the city, a small band of the remaining Autobot forces (Jazz, Prowl, Inferno, Chainclaw, Crossblades, Guzzle, and Getaway) flee with human military members Spike Witwicky and Lisa. Spike continues to challenge the Autobots to keep fighting, but Jazz had heard enough. He states that there is nothing left to fight for as Unicron had destroyed Cybertron and basically gave the Earth to the Decepticons. The humans argue, and Lisa confronts Prowl reminding them of their responsibility to protect the planet to which they brought their war. The Autobots then decide to attack the Decepticon fortress in New York City as a final act to save North America from a nuclear strike designed to wipe out both the Decepticon menace and the entire continent (all human and Autobot survivors included).
Cyclonus and Scourge are wandering around the outside of the Decepticon fortress when they are attacked by Getaway. The battle begins and one by one the Autobots fall. Galvatron's rage is taken out on his own troops for letting the Autobots get as far as they did, and he even destroys Cyclonus entirely. Jazz keeps Galvatron distracted while Spike scales the Decepticon tower to fly the American flag. Military leaders monitoring the fortress see the flag, and realize that there are still fighters against the Decepticons, so they call off their nuclear attack. At that moment, Hook, Line, and Sinker appear and take Galvatron from this reality to theirs. With Galvatron gone, Jazz, Prowl, and Inferno lead the charge to wipe out the remaining Decepticons and save the planet.
After the less than excellent Matrix Quest, this is Simon Furman returning to form with an excellent story that pulls Galvatron into the mix of the coming of Unicron. This issue was well written with good artwork. They also managed to pull in other characters who had not yet appeared in the comics or in the actual Marvel comic continuity. Although he was dead and in pieces, it was great to know Rodimus Prime had a place in the series as well as seeing the Monster Pretenders. This was a great issue, and the events of this issue will definitely have an impact on the looming menace of Unicron.
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