For the other three molds of the Machines Wars basics figures, I will probably combine them each into one review per mold. Literally, each Machine Wars basics figure has a repaint and is the same as their counterpart just with a different color scheme. One item I would like to point out for this figure as well as most of the others is the poor choice of packaging. Hasbro/ Kenner really did slap this line together. The font for the line is exactly the same as Beast Wars, the packaging is unappealing, and with other characters like Optimus Prime, the character art is a poor reworking and rehash of earlier art. Now that I am reviewing this line, I still enjoy the memories, but it wasn't as a great as an attempt as I remember. I think I was stuck in the whole feeling of "Yes, the Autobots and Decepticons are back!" due to all of the animal Transformers, Maximals, and Predacons released at that time. Although I was longing for the original vehicle Transformers, this really wasn't the true return.
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