The next two Autobots of the
Machine Wars toy line features the former
Generation One mechanic Hoist and an upgraded mini-bot in Hubcap. This mold sees the figures transform from tow trucks to robots. The tow truck modes are decent looking. The truck has the cab and a little trailer section with the tow hook connected. Both figures look pretty bland in these modes due to the fact there are only two colors for both trucks. Their transformations are simple. You simply push the tow hook up, and they transform instantly to robot mode. The design is actually well thought out for this transformation. The truck cab forms the chest, the legs slide down, and the trailer unfolds to form the arms and back of the robots. Un-peg their legs, and you detach their truck grills to create their guns (that is actually a pretty neat feature). The robot modes look good, but they are plagued by the same bland feel with the modes only featuring two colors.
Overall, the figures' mold is excellent, but their paint applications weren't fully realized. Hoist looks better than Hubcap due to his black color hiding the arms more in vehicle mode. Hubcap's bright yellow color makes the arms more visible, but can also be painful on the eyes. I feel like these figures are definitely worth a look, but keep in mind that this was from a less than thought out line before passing judgment. They are actually solid toys even if they are bland looking.
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