These are the final two basics figures from the
Machine Wars toy line. This final mold was made into Megatron and his clone, Megaplex. These figures transform from F-22 Raptor jets into robots. The design is the same as the other two jets and the rest of the basics figures. You simply pull up on the rear tail fin and the jet instantly transforms to a robot. All that is required is that you un-peg the gun attachments and combine them into the rifle for the robots modes. The head sculpt looks great and it was interesting to see Megatron as a jet. However, the big problem with Megatron in this body is that he is the Decepticon leader and he is the smallest Decepticon of his forces. As a fan, it just goes without saying that this is Megatron's weakest incarnation. The Starscream figure in this toy line is about four times the size of Megatron, and the Soundwave figure is a little over double Megatron's size.
Despite the size issue, I do feel like the concept was a good idea. Megatron finally joins his ranks in the skies, and Megaplex was a great idea as a character. It's only too bad they didn't develop him at all as a character. Him being an exact clone of Megatron with some fail safe devices to prevent him from trying to usurp Megatron could have made for some interesting stories. Also, Megaplex's color scheme is leagues better than Megatron as Megaplex has more of the traditional colors (minus the green) while Megatron is painted in this really weak looking teal and white. Good figures, but definitely the most forgettable Megatron ever produced.
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