A while later, Grimlock, Jazz, and Bumblebee find a science research station on the same planet and try to locate the missing scientists. Grimlock finds them all dead and expresses that he is tired of all the fear the Autobots have for Unicron. His desire to see his Dinobots brought back to life is mentioned for the first time (this plays out in later issues). While the Classic Pretenders are looking for more clues to the Matrix's location, Thunderwing and his Decepticons find the Autobots and attack. During the struggle, Thunderwing destroys Bumblebee's Pretender shell. Also, the alien studied by the Matrix has evolved and attacks Thunderwing's Decepticons. Thunderwing shows no concern for the creature nearly devouring Windsweeper which causes the rest of his forces to abandon Thunderwing to his obsessive search for the Matrix. Thunderwing continues his hunt while the Autobots escape to search for the Matrix also. Jazz falls through the floor of a hall and locates it. However, the alien creature is also there as well. The Autobots have burned up most of their Energon due to the intense gravity of the planet, but Thunderwing arrives to fight the creature. Some time after, Grimlock's shuttle returns to the Ark. Optimus Prime and Hot Rod go to greet the others only to be blasted by the energy of the Matrix. The wielder of the Matrix emerges from the shuttle and it is Thunderwing!
In my opinion, this issue turns the entire Matrix Quest saga around in a positive direction. The previous issue helped save what looked like a doomed story, and this issue kicked the turn around into high gear. Simon Furman still pulled in more film/ literature elements with an obvious tip of the hat to James Cameron's Aliens (the best movie of the franchise!). However, unlike the first two issues of the Matrix Quest, this issue's reference completely works. The previous issue did far better than the first two, but this one nailed it. One item of note is that it was implied after this issue that Grimlock, Jazz, and Bumblebee's Pretender shells were all destroyed during their battle with Thunderwing. The next issue is the final chapter of the Matrix Quest, and it was a great way to end the story.
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