Over the last four years, eight figures have surfaced which could easily be called some of the most expensive Transformers ever released. During the era of
Transformers: Generation 2, Hasbro had plans to rerelease the Stunticons and Protectobots for the toy line. All ten toys had been produced in extremely limited quantities and with new neon/realistic color schemes. However, with the line failing despite the massive push of the revived 1980's animated series and the Marvel comic books, the figures never got past sample stages. All ten toys were produced in their packaging, but the samples are so rare that they command more than six times the price of a
Generation One Fortress Maximus MISB!
An eBay seller sold the eight "limb" figures for a huge profit (I believe it was well over $20,000-$30,000 total for the set). They opted to not sell the two team leaders. A few years later, the buyer of the four "limb" Protectobots also tried to sell them for a similar price as a single set. Would I ever shell out the cost of a college education for these toys? Never! However, if you are that keen on owning a piece of Transformers history, it doesn't get much better than this. The Stunticon Breakdown was the only figure to be released to the public. He was an exclusive figure mint on card at the very first Botcon way back in the mid 1990's!
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