The Classic Pretenders are standing before the Keeper of Primus, and Grimlock is in disbelief that they have really discovered Primus. Grimlock challenges the Keeper to explain where the Transformers came from if Primus is in fact their creator. The Keeper then explains that Primus was the god of light and the protector of existence. His counterpart, Unicron, was the god of chaos. They battled in the astral plain until Primus realized he could not defeat Unicron there after the creation of the universe. Primus tricked Unicron into leaving the astral plain, and both Primus and Unicron's psychic forms were trapped in barren asteroids. Primus reshaped his asteroid into the planet Cybertron, and he created the Transformers to be a last line of defense against Unicron. Unicron eventually awakened, and he reshaped his asteroid into a planet which could transform into a likeness of his old form. Primus and Unicron shared a mental link, and so in order to protect his creations until they were ready to battle Unicron, Primus put himself into a deep slumber. However, the Transformers' civil war has brought things to a standstill in the preparations to defeat Unicron. The Keeper also reveals the only item powerful enough to destroy Unicron entirely is the Creation Matrix. At this point, the Keeper is assassinated by the Mayhem Attack Squad. With his dying words, the Keeper tells Bumblebee that Primus must stay in slumber.
Meanwhile, Emirate Xaaron is attempting to repair the transporter to locate the missing Pretenders. Elsewhere, on Earth, Skorponok is having to deal with his Decepticons seeking to rebel against him for allowing Starscream back into their ranks. At this point, Starscream had tried to destroy them twice first using the power of the Underbase and then his new Pretender form. Skorponok tries to reassure them that Starscream is under a watchful eye, but Starscream listens in from the shadows already planning a new takeover. Back on Cybertron, the Classic Pretenders and the Micromasters attempt to repel Bludgeon, Octopunch, and Stranglehold. Bumblebee leads the charge, and within minutes, the Mayhem Attack Squad is down. However, Octopunch emerges from his Pretender shell and blasts Grimlock. The shot bounces off of Grimlock's re-enforced Dinobot body, and the blast hits Primus. Primus awakens with a thunderous scream that shakes the whole of Cybertron. Xaaron completes the repairs on the transporter, and the forces within Cybertron's center are sent to Earth. Meanwhile, across the universe, Unicron hears the scream of Primus. He changes his course and is now heading towards Cybertron.
Simon Furman is hands down the best writer for the Transformers mythos. Unicron's origin in the original animated series was pretty lame. Furman takes Unicron and makes him a powerful being beyond measure, and completely rewrites the established origins of the Transformers. This story arc has had a lasting effect on the franchise as a whole in that it established Unicron as a god of chaos and Primus as the creator of all Transformers. These story elements have time and again resurfaced in multiple Transformers storylines. The story and artwork for this issue is great, and this really is a must read for any Transformers fan. The only question I had from this issue is why gods would make transforming robots. That one is totally beyond me.
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