Around the time of Beast Machines, I started to lose interest as I hated (and still do) the awful looking designs of the Beast Machines characters. My interest peaked again around the time of Robots in Disguise and it carried through into Armada. The Energon toy line with all of its combination gimmicks started to lose me, and Cybertron would have been the end had it not been for the "legends" figures. Then, Hasbro gave this fan a massive shot in the arm with Transformers: Classics!
The Classics line of late 2006 was designed to be a "filler" line for Hasbro while they waited for the Transformers live action movie to be released. The line consisted of all new, modernized molds of Optimus Prime, Megatron, Starscream, Grimlock, and more! The molds had more articulation, great transformations, but they still had the simple charm of Generation One and the figures actually looked like robots (movie lines, I'm talking about you). I can say that if it were not for the Classics line and the rebirth of Classics in the Universe line, my hobby and interest might have been shelved in the realm of fond memories.
Thanks to this line and the later Animated toy line, I can see that Transformers are still alive and kicking. I understand that it will continue to evolve and change. There is no problem with that, and I have no problem with that. I personally feel though that I have been and always will be a fan of the classic Generation One/ 2 figures and stories. This is one fan who can't wait for the next round of Classics.

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