Transformers: Generation 2 was a great toy line that helped bring the Transformers brand back into the hearts and imaginations of kids and adults in the early 1990's after Hasbro canceled the original toy line. However, nostalgia would only take the line so far, and it was cancelled after a three year run. Several toys were unreleased due to the ending of the line. Among the casualties were the
Generation 2 versions of the Stunticons and Protectobots. Both combiner teams were set to be rereleased for the toy line, however with Hasbro shifting the Transformers brand to Kenner (their boys' toys division) and their focus on creating the
Beast Wars toy line, the two teams were canceled after an extremely limited production run. The ten figures were all finished with their paint applications and their cards (I assuming the leaders were boxed, but I have never seen a boxed sample) intact for the sample stage. Over the last four years, the few carded "limb" figures were sold on e-Bay for crazy high prices. Good luck finding any of these figures. It took over 15 years for any samples to surface. The only figure of the ten to see any type of public release was Breakdown who was released in limited quantities at the very first BotCon in 1994.
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