The central theme of the Generation One Terrorcons is that they each transformed into monsters. Sinnertwin transforms into a two-headed dog like creature. In Greek mythology, this creature is called an Orthus. The color scheme for the figure is pretty sweet. The legs are a greenish color, and the rest of the body is cast in a yellowish plastic. Also, the tails are in a purple color. The beast mode pulls off the goal of the toy looking menacing. The transformation is really simple. You flip the dog heads back, flip back the four legs, pull down the robot mode legs, and flip up the arms.
However, there are two gripes with this figure. The first gripe (as with three out of the four Terrorcon limb bots) is the robot mode. There is no articulation at all with the figure. It looks great to display, but that is it. The arms don't move from their stationary position, and the legs are locked in place. It is not a big deal for a kid with an imagination, but looking at this toy through the lenses of 2009 versus 1987, this might not go over so well now. The other gripe is the robot head. For all of the Scramble City style combiner limbs, the heads are attached to a post which flips down as a connector to the torso robot. On Sinnertwin, the groove in the chest is too narrow, which leads to the head being broken off easily. So was the fate of my figure in the 80's.
The Terrorcons are great toys, but they weren't designed as well for the robot modes on some of the figures compared to the older combiner teams. They are still worth picking up though. The next spotlight will be on the digusting Blot!
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