If you read my past review of Revenge of the Fallen on our former blog (Teletran 3 Transformers Fan Blog), then you should know that I was one of the fans that was really weary of giving the first film a chance because of how different it was. I ended up giving it a chance, and I loved just about every moment of film one. Revenge of the Fallen seemed like it was going to have everything the first film had, and that it was going to improve upon it in every way. I was way wrong. The film introduced a number of excellent concepts (a Decepticon Pretender, Devastator, Jetfire, the Matrix), tied in old story elements from other universes (Optimus Prime's death, the Fallen), and was filled to the brim with robot action. Michael Bay took all those concepts and simply ruined them.
Everything in the film felt either half done, not really thought out, or was simply filler. The action was overwhelming to the point that the viewer couldn't tell what was happening. The classic Transformers story elements were left with huge plot holes that weren't reconciled in film. Finally, this movie seemed to be made only to please the audience rather than focus on good film making. How many times did we hear swearing and to be honest, crude racial slurs from Mudflap and .... the other dumb bot, how many inappropriate scenes were shown with Megan Fox, and how many stupid jokes were thrown in?
I am a huge Transformers fan for a number of reasons. The toys always bring back great memories, and the story when done well is some of the best sci-fi I have seen or read. This film seemed more like an obvious attempt to cash in on the property rather than make a good film. I am hoping the third film will get back to what made the first Bay film work so well: great story telling and convincing characters, with a good amount of action. I would be lying if I said I was excited for this DVD release, so I won't even pretend that I am. I am more excited for January 15th of 2010 when the next original Transformers series box set comes out. If you liked Revenge of the Fallen, get the DVD. If not, leave it all by its lonesome on the store shelf. The only way I will pick that thing up is if I get it as a gift.
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